Thursday 24 March 2011

Main Boss (Lord of the Dragon Lizards)

This Is the Lord of the Dragon Lizard Family also known as Boronasky but everyone just calls him Boron. He tells the other family members what to do and when to do it. He became the lord of the family because he was born with a special ability known as the lava beam. The lava beam is called lava beam because the beam is so hot that it will melt anything it touches into a liquid of the same heat as lava yet stoping it from turning into a gas. He also is the strongest member of the family as was trained with the last lord of the Dragon Lizards. On top of the special ability he has the normal attacks that every other Dragon Lizard. as a kid Boron’s mother and father had high expectation of him, this caused a rebellious stage where he would leave home for long periods of time to train when he was supposed to learn how to deal with family matters as well as political matters as the lord of the Dragon Lizard’s not only commands the Dragon Lizard Family but would also have to command the people of the area that the Dragon Lizard family have taken control of.

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